za mesiac
Dátum začiatku
• Plan and execute DOE (Design of Experiments) independently to investigate promising anode material
candidates, and provide technical comparisons and critical assessment of their potentials.
• Utilize statistical tools for results analysis, and determine the importance of multiple factors/parameters.
• Come up with advanced anode formulations as technical solutions to ensure certain cell chemistry achieves
cell performance targets.
• Design and develop anode formulations to achieve long cycle and calendar life.
• Document results, prepare reports and communicate results across the organization
• Collaborate with multi-functional internal teams and external vendors in all aspects of new cell platform
• Sketch, propose, defend and lead bilateral projects with external RyD Teams (Universities, R&
Design and validate cell design parameters incl...
Projekčné práce – elektro v rozsahu: - obhliadk...
Projekčné práce – elektro v rozsahu: - obhliadk...