Senior Collector will be responsible for collection activities on a portfolio of accounts with open receivables balance positions for our Spanish-mark...
Creates and/or updates client files to global standards, collects and monitors all relevant documents concerning the identity of the customer, as well...
Provides end-to-end support to customers, which may include use of standard scripts and specific guidelines and procedures, to handle queries or close...
Become a new member of our Network Partner Fronting Team! You will have an opportunity to independently work on your portfolio, to collaborate with ou...
Hlavná náplň práce network koordinátora zahŕňa:- koordinátor dohliada na implementáciu poistných zmlúv vrámci medzinarodných poistných programov- koor...
Core responsibilities:-to manage & coordinate Local insurance Policy Issuance in close collaboration with our SwissRe offices around the world-to ...
Become a new member of our Network Partner Fronting Team! You will have an opportunity to independently work on your portfolio, to collaborate with ou...
Sprostredkovateľ obchodu, manažér, anketár /administratívne finančné služby/ Náplň práce pozostáva podľa zaradenia - písomná gramostnosť - ...
THE CHALLENGE: Financial Systems Management: Oversee the administration and maintenance of FP&A systems (OneStream) to produce budgetin...
Key job responsibilities Deeply understand the business model, business plan, processes and metrics of Retail Accounts Receivab...